
character design & illustration


She/her | 2X y/o | Vietnamese

Greetings ♥
I'm Noodle, a freelance artist and designer
I fluent in Vietnamese, English and a tiny little bit of Japanese
Welcome to my little website, if you're interested in ordering a commission, please make sure to read the ToS and the information carefully before starting!
Love and regards
P/s: Actually please don't send any Japanese message to me I'm suck at Japanese *sob

Term Of Service

  • About Commission:

  • I have the right to refuse the comm if I feel like I can't do it (to ensure the quality of the commission)

  • I can't draw: Bara, old people, don't usually accept real people

  • For personal commission, I keep the right to publicize the commission with customer's credit and full watermark, please let me know in advance if you don't want the commission to be publicized. However, there will be fee for privacy.

  • Commission price is for personal use only, commercial price will be x2 original price ( except for L2D model commission )

  • Apart from the reserved commission including Live2D commission, other commissions will be VERY slow because I have a lot of work, so make sure you agree with slow workflow before ordering

  • If you have a deadline please let me know in advance (at least 2 weeks, with extra charge)

  • When you get to the slot, I will let you know what information do I need, this will make it easier for me to take notes and work.

  • If you feel unsure about the commission, please do not hesitate to ask! I have no issue in fixing the commission to fit your need. However, if you already approved the sketch and still want to fix something later on, there will be 5% extra charge for each time.

  • About payment:

  • I accept payment via PayPal

  • I do accept payment plans, ideally the maximum period of time for the payment plan is half a year. But I m very open do payment, don't be afraid to ask!

  • For both payment plan and non payment plan, I receive 50-100% payment before starting the commission to confirm the slot

  • Except for the cases that have been notified in advance, if the commission is not paid for more than 2 weeks, I will cancel the slot

  • You can ask for a refund only at sketch stage (I will take 25% for sketch process, this is nonrefundable), I will not refund if the product is already finished.

  • Please note that I have the right to cancel the commission and refund if I feel that we cannot work together


Please make sure you had read the ToS fully before ordering! <3

Merchandise Commission

For merchandise commission, you have fully commercial uses, you may ask for commercial use for other commissions that are not here, but these are the best options for merch!

Beanie commission
Suitable for stickers

Retro chibi commission
Suitable for keychain, sticker and artprint
Smol cheeb: $90/each
Chibi: $140/each

Normal chibi commission
Keychain type:
Crayon style:
Small chibi: $120+
Clean style:
Small chibi: $160+
Standee type:
Crayon style:
Small chibi: $180+
Clean style:
Small chibi: $220+

Chibi sticker commission

Live2D Commission

Base price:

Please make sure to read the ToS first!!
Extra details: ~$20-$300 depends on the design
Extra emotions: $10/ea
Accessories( wings, ears, tails, etc.): $10+/ea
Extra outfits: 100-300$/ea
Addition pose: 40-100$/ea
Commercial use: %30 of the total price
Note: Commercial use is counted when you use the model for: Streaming( Like Twitch, Youtube) or selling merch
See more designs at: Design gallery
The base price includes:
png files, PSD file( ready to rig model), and a little gift

Normal model:
Bust-up Model: $250
Half Body Model: $470
Full Body Model: $600
Chibi Model: $350

Normal PNG model:
Bust-up Model: $120
Half Body Model: $160
Full Body Model: $230
Chibi Model: $100
Beanie model: $50

Custom design model:
To check more of my designs, go here! Design
Bust-up Model: $350
Half Body Model: $660
Full Body Model: $840
Chibi Model: $670

Custom design PNG model:
Bust-up Model: $170
Half Body Model: $210
Full Body Model: $280
Chibi Model: $150

Past projects



Base price( change based on details):
Half body: $150
Full body: $270
Extra details: ~$20-$300 depends on the design
See more designs at: Design gallery

*Note: sample from 2020-2021


Base price( change based on details):
Smol chibi: $90
Semi chibi: $170
Extra details: ~$20-$300 depending on the design
See more designs at: Design gallery


Wardrobe: size price (chibi/normal)+ $40-$200
Extra outfit: $40-$170/each

Note: One wardrobe can have maximum 3 outfits

( Not open at all)
Base price:( chưa tỉnh details)
Character sheet( normal only:
Front view+ detailed clothes reference: 2tr5
Front,back view + detailed clothes reference: 3tr2
Extra outfit/ accessory pack: 400-1tr/each


Thank you for agreeing to my Terms of Service!
Please choose a commission type to get started ♥


( Closed)
*Icon ( Chest up) *
Thigh up



Half body
Full body


Screenshot commission


Sketchy, retro ( kinda) style
With quote




Crayon style:
Small chibi: $80+
Tall chibi: $100+
Clean style:
Small chibi: $120+
Tall chibi: $160+

Chibi with complex BG scene
Price change based on complexity



Beanie commission
1 pack( 3 beanies): $70/pack

Retro chibi commission
Smol cheeb: $45/each
Chibi: $70/each

Normal chibi commission
Crayon style:
Small chibi: $60+
Semi chibi: --
Clean style:
Small chibi: $80+
Semi chibi: ---
Simple BG
Extra details: $5~50


Still updating!


how to order


Order form

Pikachu Avatar

Contact Info